
Hi there, I'm Melissa!

I equip women who want to cultivate their life and home with God-honoring and holistically healthy rhythms. Subscribe to my email newsletter or check out my latest resource to help equip you and your family to live your best and healthiest life.

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What is Friday Favorites? Each week I give my Facebook group a chance to share highlights of their week with FRIDAY 5 prompts. Now I want to share my favorite things HERE with you! These are practical things that either have helped or helping me in my daily/ weekly rhythms. Sometimes these are things I'm just starting and loving or sometimes they are things "tried and true" that I just can't help but want to share with you. Most things I don't have an affiliation with but sometimes I will...
View of my back patio & "quiet place"

{Devotional} A Welcomed Interruption AND... Back to School Rhythms

Back to School Rhythms In the last few weeks I’ve seen lots of First Day BACK TO SCHOOL photos and posts. We too have begun our homeschooling year. This means new rhythms, schedules, and routines for us all! In our household we have approached our schooling differently each year, bringing in new rhythms and workflows into our eclectic mix. I’ve talked about rhythms a lot in my coaching but the question is….what is the significant difference in rhythms versus routines or schedule? AND… why do...
Beautiful blooms along the creek wall

Hello August... BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE!

HELLO AUGUST! It's My Birthday Month Y'all (yesterday in fact) and I want to share with you some of my reflections of the last year and future plans. Reader. Though August is my birthday month I want to GIVE YOU my best gift! First let me share some future plans (as I promised). As you read in my last emails God has been walking me through a uncomfortable season of sifting, crushing, and pruning. But, He has also been faithful to reveal my growth through it. Through this season He has been...

Why My Burnout Seemed So Surprising

Why My Burnout Seemed So Surprising I've always been a firm believer that coaches need coaches. As I've moved through the process of obtaining my certifications I continued to learn and work under other coaches. I knew I could not pour out what I did not possess. Perhaps this is why my feelings of burnout in the spring seemed so surprising. It wasn't because I was completely neglecting all of my needs. I realized that there was one area that I hadn't paid particular attention to.... my highly...

The Only Thing That Felt True

The Only Thing That Felt True In The Midst Of Spiritual Heaviness It’s been several months since I have shown up in your inbox…. I’m truly sorry that I haven’t been present. This of course was never my intention. My heart has always been to be transparent as we journey together to cultivate healthy rhythms in our lives and homes. I never see myself as “ARRIVED” in any particular area and certainly do not feel like I have it all figured out, by any means. God is taking me through this...

{Wednesday Wellness Wisdom} What was Martha's heart intention, REALLY?

What was Martha's heart intention, REALLY? "I'm Only Talking To Jesus Today" ~ Sometimes this should be my only response. Reader By now, hopefully you have grasped the concept that your health and wellness consists of so much more than just what we eat and how much we exercise. Part of what this might look like is creating PEACE and JOY in your home or everyday environments (even work space). Think of including all the senses and how we can set the "tone" or mood. We do this with the food we...

Just Sharing A Vulnerable Story

A Season of Overturning I have been reflecting on all that God has done in my health and healing over the last year.This has been deep work in all areas; my mental and emotional health, spiritual restoration, and all this leading to physical breakthroughs.It all began with surrender to God. A radical choice different from the cultural norm, a choice to step away from the connection of social media.I began my FAST from social media in February of 2023 with the intention to see what God would...

{Wednesday Wellness Wisdom} My Most Impactful Rhythm!

"New Year Greetings" from Ferdinand the snowman New Year Greetings Reader Wait....What!?! Here we are nearing the end of January in our new year; ALREADY!?! And ALSO… here we are nearly a month into the new year and this is my first connection with you this year via your inbox. Forgive me! I know this does not align with my expressed desire to connect (in past emails). This is where I insert my full transparency and acknowledgment of falling short with the assurance that I AM A WORK IN...

{BORN FOR THE BROKEN ADVENT} Jehovah Rohi, The LORD Is My Shepherd

Advent Week 2 Reader Have you ever considered all that a shepherd is and does to care for his sheep? In his book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, Phillip Keller, offers his perspective and in-depth look at a shepherd's duties and how they care for their sheep through the lens of Psalm 23. Having this insight brought so much meaning to the name Jehovah Rohi and Psalm 23, because David (the author of Psalm) was also a shepherd. Keller states, "It is no accident that God has chosen to call a...