Just Sharing A Vulnerable Story

A Season of Overturning

I have been reflecting on all that God has done in my health and healing over the last year.

This has been deep work in all areas; my mental and emotional health, spiritual restoration, and all this leading to physical breakthroughs.

It all began with surrender to God. A radical choice different from the cultural norm, a choice to step away from the connection of social media.

I began my FAST from social media in February of 2023 with the intention to see what God would do within 7 days. That's 7 days turned into the better part of 5 months.

This time away from social media opened up for more authentic time with Jesus. I allowed Him to cultivate my heart; a process of stirring up and overturning. He was establishing fertile ground and new seeds were planted, welcoming restorative growth.

But as God has created the seasons it's not a one-and-done process. The cycle must begin again!

The action of stirring up and overturning must start over, digging out the rotting roots and rocks that have surfaced.

Like the farmer, no matter how much God tends to our hearts even He cannot control the weeds that creep their way in or the rocks and borders that surface during winter; He only tends to them and digs them out.

It's a laboursome and often painful course of action but the tearing down leads to even more growth than the time before.

One year later this is where I find myself; not at SQUARE ONE but at the beginning of the season again. The growth of the past year is not lost but more overturning is necessary for the growth in a new season.

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.

1 Corinthians 3:7-9 ESV

Blessings of wellness to you Friend,

Melissa K. MacGregor

Certified Nutrition Coach, Life Coach, & Wellness Mentor


"We as nurturers of our home create a family culture of healthy rhythms and habits that influence generations. Being in God's Word is one of those important and healthy rhythms."