{Wednesday Wellness Wisdom} My Most Impactful Rhythm!

New Year Greetings Reader

Wait....What!?! Here we are nearing the end of January in our new year; ALREADY!?!

And ALSO… here we are nearly a month into the new year and this is my first connection with you this year via your inbox. Forgive me! I know this does not align with my expressed desire to connect (in past emails).

This is where I insert my full transparency and acknowledgment of falling short with the assurance that I AM A WORK IN PROGRESS in this area. I humbly ask for your grace and patience. My goal this year is to open this door of connection (the email inbox) each Wednesday. More on what that might look like next week, be on the lookout!

But for today…..

Speaking of goals! This is actually what has kept me away. Well... I would say it is a bit deeper than that. Let me explain.

When most begin their year by reflecting on the previous year and setting goals, I tend to take a broader step by reevaluating my lifestyle rhythms. I have come to experience that good healthy lifestyle rhythms, in longevity, are the pathway to reaching those more specific goals that I might set for myself.

I have spent most of this month RESETTING my rhythms.

There is ONE in particular that I want to share with you; the one that I believe is the most impactful and significant lifestyle rhythm that any of us can possibly cultivate.

But first, If I were to state a goal that is encompassed in this rhythm it would be:

“ To know and love God more in December of 2024 than I do now in January 2024. I will commit to seeking Him daily and to greater discovery of His character so that I might live in His example.”

So the rhythm most important to me right now is cultivating the Morning Rhythm of seeking and spending time with Him.

This might seem a bit unorthodox but may I share some of my journal writings that came out of my quiet time with the Lord one morning? This might help you understand it's importance to me.

“As I've been exploring my new morning Rhythm this last week I'm finding just how much I crave my quiet time outside in the morning sun. My day is different if the weather is bad and there is no sun to shine on my face. As much as I've said I don't like the cold and winter weather I don't even mind the cold as much. I bundle in my heavy down coat and cover myself with my blanket. I'm finding that breathing in the crisp cold air feels good.
It is here that I find peace with my lord. I start my day with a pace of “slow”, not rushed. I listen to His word, I read, I worship, and pray.
It's the peace and rest that I crave, the kind that I know I can only receive by seeking Him and being in His presence. It is helpful to have a cozy place to come and sit and enjoy the Lord, a place that is mine.”

This is a snapshot of what a piece of my Morning Rhythm looks like and how it has brought me joy.

But… let me be perfectly clear…it DOES NOT look like this every morning.

  • Since this day, for example, we have had a cold snap and a series of snow storms that are colder than I’m willing to brave outside.
  • There have been mornings that work or my day's schedule has taken over my mind and attempted to steal that peace I longingly desire.
  • I often have to take a breath and give myself grace in the cultivation process of making this a continually peaceful rhythm.

If you have set goals for yourself this year but have not yet established or even thought about good healthy rhythms to support your goals to change, I encourage you to begin that cultivation process.

If you need a little help I’d like to invite you to attend one of my two “Revive Your Healthy Rhythms” Strategy Session coming up TOMORROW January 25th or next Wednesday January 31st.

*Group Strategy Sessions are Free but I'm asking for registration for the purpose of keeping track of numbers.

Would you prefer a one-on-one call? Respond to this email and we will find a time that works for us both.

I've said this many times before, I'm here to link arms with you in your journey of cultivating wellness.

So, I leave you with a blessing for this new year and I hope and pray that YOU find your most impactful rhythm that will also bring you the most peace and joy!

Blessings of Wellness to you Friend,

Melissa K. MacGregor

Certified Nutrition Coach, Life Coach, & Wellness Mentor


"We as nurturers of our home create a family culture of healthy rhythms and habits that influence generations. Being in God's Word is one of those important and healthy rhythms."